So if anyone saw the Live Special on Tuesday, then you all know that Danity Kane as we know it is done!. Diddy kicked out Aubrey O'Day and then let loose her partner is crime D. Woods.
In the Episode stunner, we saw Diddy, tell Danity Kane members, that what he sees here is not the vision that he had when he created the group and that Aubrey is was out!
In the Episode stunner, we saw Diddy, tell Danity Kane members, that what he sees here is not the vision that he had when he created the group and that Aubrey is was out!

With stunned silence following , he then turned to each of the members and asked them if they wanted to still be in this group?

They all tried to get Diddy to change is mind, but it wasn't happening. He then continued to shock us when he turned to D. Woods and said that she has been unhappy for a long time so was out of the group as well! By the look on D. Woods face, you could tell that she wasn't prepared for that & looked like she was going to cry and beg at any moment.
After he leaves the room , the girls all hug and cry to then say goodbye and D.Woods and Aubrey leave the building.... Dawn sits there in complete shock and says
"What are we going to do? I have nothing to go back to!"
After Diddy comes back in the room, he informs the girls that there will still be a Danity Kane....we we think that the rumors are true. There will be another season of Making the Band, with Diddy finding 2 replacements.....
To me this is the end of Danity Kane....this group is not Destiny's Child status yet and cannot rebound from the replacement of 2 members. Of those five girls, we all know who the star is.....

Deny it all you want, but this is the first name that everyone remembers! She doesn't have the best vocals , but she has personality and that keeps people talking. She is the Bobby Brown to New Edition, the Donnie Walburg to New Kids on the Block! Those are the people you remember!
Plus you would think that Diddy would appreciate that since he is not even close to the best rapper, but still keeps putting out albums and has PERSONALITY...that's why people keep talking about him, not because of his MC Skills!
Other than Faith , what other legitimate artist does Diddy have on his label? They have all left fact Comedian Maronzio Vance (NBC, BET, Comedy Central) says it best......he explores the poison that is Diddy , just take a look at his funny rant is on point!
He needs this show & MTV, to not only feed his ego, but get new artist. The question that we ask, is if MTV didn't have this show and his other one called "I Want to Work for Diddy"...we he even be relevant? This is man who has kept his big billboard up in Times Square from when he ran a marathon 4 years ago

He is respected in the hip hop game for past deeds with Notorious B.IG and others, much like Russell Simmons, the only difference is that Russell knew when to hang it up and do better and bigger things. Diddy seams to be stuck back in his heyday of the early 90's..

But your hits have been few and far between....he had to find another way to feed the ego.
So after several seasons of this show, we all know Diddy's M.O and we just like the members of Danity Kane should really know there boss by now. How many times have you set in a board meeting and the boss asked you to "express your feelings" and the next thing that you know, that "person" who said something was cleaning out there desk!

At the end of the day, that is your boss, he is paying you , controlling the money, and has final say , and you can't talk to him anyway you want, EVEN if he is wrong.
Being in the entertainment industry and also dealing with Diddy comes with a cost, especially if you are in a group. Your image and everything about you is under scrutiny, you have to go in the direction that the record label wants you to go in, that includes music and least until you become an established artist....Remember Beyonce' and Pink...both having to go behind there managments back to get there solo albums made...Beyonce said she had to hide it from her Managament ( her father) becuase it was a different sound than they wanted to go with, and her album went multi platinum , but the managment was upset at first!
They were not complaining on there all expense paid trip to Cabo or popping bottles, Stop putting Diddy as the Daddy. He is not there to show them how to survive in show business. Did they think this day would never come? This is Diddyland , and he is king there, so you have to fall in line or get with Aubrey and D.Woods.

Shannon, the married sweetheart, will just ride it out to till the wheels fall off and Diddy shuts down the DK brand
Aundrea, will probably leave the group or also get dropped by Diddy, as he alluded to on the episode as her being the problem child as well...
Dawn, the golden girl, who can do no wrong, will most likely get signed to a solo deal by Diddy as she is the vocals behind the group.
D.Woods, the other half of Ebony & Ivory, will probably ride out her last 5 minutes of fame, but fade into nothingness
And last but not least
Aubrey, the "Problem Child" as coined by Diddy, has the best chance of seeing her star rise, with a clothing line already out , her successful run on Broadway's "Hairspray" and her knack for saying and doing outrageous things, she has the opportunity to surpass the DK Brand. Lets just hope that she goes up instead of the way of Bobby Brown!
It's very clear, that the little bit of fame that Aubrey has gotten, has changed her. she does look different that she did when she first started

But I think she was always like this, Diddy just didn't see it, because he doesn't spend time with his acts (by his own admission), even though it looks like on the show he spends all this time with them. I think she found her opportunity to be her "True Self" and took it...I think that the real problem is that she hasn't fallen in line as Diddy wanted, she doesn't conduct herself as he wants therefore, she had to go. And at the end of the day, who ever controls the purse strings, controls you. Even at the live taping, he had nothing but bad things to say to her, telling her to grow up and humble herself on national television, inciting Boos' from the audience........
I don't think this is the last we will see of her and I think that she will end up on top..........
It's very clear, that the little bit of fame that Aubrey has gotten, has changed her. she does look different that she did when she first started

But I think she was always like this, Diddy just didn't see it, because he doesn't spend time with his acts (by his own admission), even though it looks like on the show he spends all this time with them. I think she found her opportunity to be her "True Self" and took it...I think that the real problem is that she hasn't fallen in line as Diddy wanted, she doesn't conduct herself as he wants therefore, she had to go. And at the end of the day, who ever controls the purse strings, controls you. Even at the live taping, he had nothing but bad things to say to her, telling her to grow up and humble herself on national television, inciting Boos' from the audience........
I don't think this is the last we will see of her and I think that she will end up on top..........
Also ...someone sent me the Team Aubrey & I Heart Aubrey T-Shirts, go by and check it out, ...they also have team Diddy as well as others !
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