With a predominately African American cast and one (Kim Zolciak) who is the self proclaimed " black girl in a white girls body". This series show "according to a member of the cast" Atlanta's elite. Well if this is the cream of the crop, I would hate to see the bottom of the barrel!
The least crazy one seems to be Lisa Wu Hartwell

a gorgous girl married to NFL player Ed Hartwell, they go married only after knowing each other a couple of months, but seem to be going strong ( good luck with that..cause we only have one word fro you....GROUPIES) .
She has a real estate firm with her husband....with the economy sucking right now, I doubt they are doing well. She also has a line of baby clothes called Hart 2 Hart Baby......

They said that it is sold thru "Upscale Boutiques", but how upscale can it be with the items retailing under $20? And she only has about 4 pieces per girl and boys online.....so that should tell you something. And as we saw on the series she decided to start a jewelry line called Wu Girls

Most of her jewelry line ( which we saw in series) is affordable being that the average price is about 1-2K and something that you can get at any Mall Jeweler, but as we saw in the show she partnered with well known Jewelry Stephan Zale and that is not mentioned on her site....mmmnnnn, interesting.
One thing that is interesting to note, there is a claim that she wrote and produced a well known play, (especially in the african american community) called "Change is Gonna Come" that was directed by self made juggernaut Tyler Perry...who was a little known personality then. We can neither confirm or dispute that.
All in all, she seems to be the one working so much, that she doesn't have time for the petty Bulls$%t....I guess you can say she is like Switzerland...neutral.
DeShawn Snow, is the wife of the Eric Snow, captain of the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers

for her newly built monstrosity of a home. She was hiring a Staff Manager, Maid, Butler, Valet , Governess and Nanny for her family of four. What I found funny is that she doesn't seem to know the difference between a Governess and and Nanny and it seems as if she is just hiring this staff just to say that she has it. What really solidified her "trying to keep up with the jones" was when her staff manager was reviewing what her parents requested to be in there room upon there visit ( Irish baileys cream and some other nonsense) and she turned to her husband and asked him what his parents wanted and he replied " nothing, b/c my parents wouldn't request things"......that look he gave her said it all. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU REQUESTING THESE THINGS?.
Then she got the bright idea to do a charity event to raise 1 million dollars for her foundation. This would have been great , if she had actually thought it out and planned it.

She decided to invite the cities "elite" but didn't pre sell tickets, and then got on television and invited everyone in the city to HER HOUSE! Then they proceeded to show these peoples face and you heard the commentary that these were people who were essentially "GROUPIES"..they go to parties and try to latch on to so called "celebrities". So needless to say, these were not the people who had the big bucks needed to raise a million dollars, so after the auction ended they didn't even break even...resulting in DeShawn crying in her room...yes it was as embarrassing as it sounds! This women is so focused on trying to impress people that she doesn't realize how ridiculous she come off....here's a thought, you don't need it if someone has to explain to you how to use it!
Then we come to Sheree Whitfield

Nemesis of Nene and ex wife of a sports athlete....well pending as according to her she is looking for "some six figure settlement". She use to own a clothing boutique that is since closed and is now trying to start her own clothing line........why people, have they not learned anything from J.Lo and Tina Knowles?Wearing Cavalli , Prada and any other designer brands, doesn't mean that you can design clothes......as evident by this ensemble below....

Now her nemesis NeNe Leakes may be the most memorable of all the cast members, but also she may be one of the most annoying.

Something happened between Sheree and NeNe , which wasn't really explained, but it lead to them not being friends anymore and a sort of season back and forth battle between the two.
She also doesn't work ,but does head her own foundation dealing with domestic violence issues. There is also a rumor that she wants to own her own set of boutique hotels in Atlanta...that may be a good venture for her.
Her battle with Sheree started off with Sheree inviting NeNe to her birthday party and then "ironically" her name wasn't on the invite list at the door.
This cause her and her friend Kim, to leave the event after several words were exchanged.

NeNe then left with Kim in tow, but there last chance of "mending fences" was severed.
This leads to maybe the most ridiculous character of this series...Kim Zolciak

This wig wearing , over the top, side switching housewife is trying to become a country singer. No one knows what she even does for a living , but we do know that she as a sugar daddy who wants to remain nameless...

This busty Blonde accompanied Nene to Sheree's party wearing a dress designed just for her

to then turn right around and the door in "support of her friend" Nene.
We then saw her at her recording session with ex TLC producer Dallas Austin

for her new country album....to then be told in a nice way by the vocal coach that she ....well she sucks and is tone deaf! Do you see Dallas Austin holding is head down in shame?lol.
But in what was the best episode to date, the girls minus Kim and New BFF Sheree, when to dinner and NeNe started bashing Sheree and Kim's singing

This caught everyone off guard and someone then told Sheree ( she wouldn't say who it was) but we know it was ....

What NeNe was saying about her and Sheree in turn told Kim. Kim then used this to sever all ties with NeNe via Text Message

What I can't believe is that Kim is calling someone a Low Budget bitch!...is it just me or does Kim Look like a low rent CoCo...Ice-T's wife?
This was just the opportunity that Kim needed to "trade up". NeNe introduced Kim to Sheree and she saw that Sheree has access to a larger circle than Nene and now Kim had an excuse to cut ties with NeNe and move up and on!
Not that NeNe isn't wrong for talking about her friend like that , but it seemed like it was just too quick for Kim to dump her...she didn't even ask NeNe what she said or if that was true...
This show is a prime example that Money doesn't equate to class...just because you have money doesn't mean you are classy or carry yourself that way. And just because you may be poor doesn't mean that you are not classy or carry yourself with some pride. Here are examples of some of these women who look and act tacky and ridiculous and are really trying to be something that they are not.........BUT I still am going to watch, lol
Isn't that show so ridiculous but it's like a train wreck you HAVE to watch!! I missed most of this weeks episode I'll have to catch the rerun.
I just can't believe how vain they are. I never heard of any of these women before the show- but they "claim" to be the center of the universe!
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