In 11 seasons Tyra Banks has yet to produce a true top model, that can hang with the likes of Maggie Riser, Kate Moss, Liya Kebede or even an Omyra. Most have fallen into oblivion, others have had very moderate success in other areas, but only a rare few have have success at being an actual Model. Only three ANTM winners have the potential to be super stars, that being Caridee, Saleisha and my personal favorite ..............

I think that they really "jumped the shark" when they made Whitney Thompson the winner of Cycle 10.. I love the fact that they have plus size modeling, but out of the two of the finalist, she was not the best model. Out of all of the plus size models that have been on this show, she may have gotten the furthest, but is the least liked. She photgraphs older and every face is the same, ...that vacant stare with the half opened mouth...on all of her porfolio pictures...the girl is only in her early 20's and looks like she is 35 .

In fact , of the the 140 + contestants on that show, only 4 girls (The girls being Jaslene Gonzalez of Cycle 9, Megg Morales of Cycle 7 and Lisa Jackson of Cycle 9 and Danielle (called Dani Now) Evans of Cycle 6)have gotten a Fashion Week Show Card, to walk the runways....for those of us that don't speak fashion, you must be "Runway Ready" and approved by the agency before they send you out On the go sees for Fashion Week, which means in shape , slim , trim and starving.
This new crop of "models" is forgettable , but does have a few stand outs, whether for the drama or actual model potential .

Clark our own little Moral Authority, already in the first episode she has solidified herself as a bigot, slight racist ( and I am being generous by using the word slight) and a gossipy hater. She can't stand that Isis is in the house, has already made comments about people not like that in the south ( which I highly doubt) and claims to be the best in the competition...this coming from a girl who didn't take a good picture.
My Favorite quote from her is "What is Bureaucracy ?"......Did I mention she is from a Red State?
Next weeks episode should be even better as several of the house guest question Analeigh about being a racist.... good t.v!
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