About a week before the actual day of taping, I received a phone call asking me to confirm my information. Then I was asked, what I did for a living and I asked why they needed to know all that. And to that they replied, that they like to know who is in the audience.....this was warning #1 of what was too come!
They then sent me this list of don't for the Tyra Show that I have posted below

After reading this, it almost felt like she wanted her show to be Top Model Glamorous. The attire is BUSINESS UPSCALE!...yes, that is what they said, I am not making this up and it is Strictly Enforced. Absolutely no shorts, sneakers, rain/snow boots (UGGS
included), sequins, hats, jogging suits, velour pants, and NO LOGOS of any kind. The logos I can understand.... but what got me was that the show does reserve the right to deny entry to anyone dressed inappropriately. Almost like this is some exclusive nightclub. You know that Tyra has the bad habit of making every conversation some how about her and this even extends to her list that she sends out to ticket holders.....do we see her big pose on the background? So big, that you can barely even read it.
So once you get there, (since she tapes twice a day, I went to the morning taping and you must be in the building by 9:30 am.) You are given a card with a number and are ushered down the back ramp and after standing in line you come to a table with several Big Security Guards!

They check your ID( must be state issued, only take Passport or License) and then make you hand over your purse for them to search. Now we have all traveled via airplane and understand why the lines are long at the security check point, but these guys make Airport Security seem lax. They THOROUGHLY check your bags and any little pockets or bags/openings that you have in your purse, and after I mentioned that to the guy, he said,
"Yes, I can even tell you when your period is happening".
Now, that is funny, but at the same time a ridiculous. These guys were literally picking up and looking around the tampons and other things in women's purses as if we are going to stash a shank inside of the Applicator! You then have to put your cellphone in a Tupperware container ( did I mention, that they take your cell phone?) and then they put them in zip lock bags will giving you a number to claim your cellphone at the end of the taping. Once that happens you go through metal detector, where another one of these................

Then comes by and runs a hand held detector over you, just to make sure that they didn't miss anything. Once all clear and they feel that you are not packing heat! You are giving a piece of paper and a pen and asked to take a seat in this big underground room will alot of chairs and several flat screens that constantly play clips of the Tyra Show ( are you as sick of Tyra right now as I am at this point?) You are then made to wait there until they bring you inside for taping.
While there, you have to fill out the paper that they gave you, which as it turns out is a "Release", that states, the show is able to use your image for anything and at anytime FOREVER! And that they can do what ever they want with it. Also, by signing it , you CANNOT SUE the Tyra Show for ANY REASON! So if you fall and hurt yourself, you are not able to sue, or if a piece of equipment falls on you, you are not able to sue!..You are basically singing away your rights to safety and identity!
One of the workers from the show, tells you to have your ID ready while they come around and Initial the "Release" so that they can make sure that the release and the ID match and is signed and filled out! While they are checking ID's several otter employee's from the show are asking for participants needed for upcoming shows .....
FYI, they wanted Fashion Disasters and people who can't cook...I wonder if she counts? Because I haven't seen her turn on the stove in one episode of that Hills Show . And the other one can't design her way out of a paper bag....did you see her clothing at Kitson selling, buy one get on free?

One thing that really bothered me was not that the bathrooms for right in the room , but the fact that the doors were left open and not allowed to be closed, so that everyone could see you using the Bathroom, ( men and women) , they could see you in the stall and washing your hands, and etc....why the hell would you do that ? No privacy what so ever!
Now, its about 10:45pm ( after abt 2 hours of waiting) and they start to call people to stand in line by numbers ( this is the number on the cards that they gave you when you came in). You stand in line to board a huge freight elevator with about 40 other people and head to 4th floor studio. Once we get to the studio , we are told to follow this pink lined walkway around the back to be seated. When we get on actual set, we are asked how many in the party and set by the Audience Coordinator. We actually sat in the front row. Once everyone is seated and the studio is full the gay Audience Coordinator ( AKA AC) tells us the rules and to give energy and that everyone will be on camera, but if you start to cry, you will definatly be on camera ( big surprise).
The AC takes 4 people from the audience and plays a game of Pop Culture Q & A and whatever person gets it right, get more camera time ( so that is why during the show and going in and out of the commercials, that they show certain people for the show....they are the ones that won that little contest). In addition to the extra camera time, they also get a CD and T-shirt... by the way , the CD was the the less talented and pretty sister as well as Coat Tail Rider......

So now its 11:20am and the show is about to begin taping, we all jump up as taping beings and Tyra comes out.

The show is taped in 20 minute increments. Also, one thing to note is that Trya not only has a TelePrompter but she has 2 people on the side, with CUE CARDS! and while she is talking to them, they write questions to ask during the interview.....For someone who is big on learning your lines ( reference ANTM) she obviously needs all the help she can get....
Also, if she messes up, then we have to do another take, this show we had to do 3 takes at one segment...very tedious! In addition, during the 90 second commercial breaks she doesn't stay on stay, once they go out, she immediately rushed backstage, and stands until time for next segment, almost like she doesn't want anyone bothering her. Also, when she is on stage , three of these guys

Are on the stage at all times....and I mean ALL TIMES! When she is taping, they are on the sides ( out of shot) but as soon as she is on stage, they are right there! I found this was odd, since ....well I will just say it, she is no Naomi Campbell, but there was a rumor that she had a stalker ( don't know if that is true ) but it would make sense that they were that close if that is the truth.
Taping ended at 12:30pm ( 3 1/2 hours later) and she comes out and the stylist takes a picture of her in her outfit ...she even made sure the stylist got the shoes in the picture. and then they take a picture of her jewelery.
She then sat on the chair on stage and said that when she has a few minutes, she answers questions, so she did a Q & A for about 10 minutes, then walks off because she said she wanted to have lunch with her Mother who was in town. Then we are ushered out the door and on our way!

Now Tyra has been very candid about the makeup that she wears to look like this, but I and several others by there comments , was floored by the amount of makeup caked on her face in person! When you see her on t.v she looks made up, but not overly done. When you see her in person on the taping, OMG! She has so much Makeup on it;s astounding... I don't know how her skin can breathe!
Even if you don't like Tyra she is a pretty girl and in person, she looked just like a Black Barbie doll, with the hair and makeup.....
I just wish the who taping experience was better.
Everyone who came out of the show, just looked like ....well when you ride a roller coaster and just didn't meet your expectations...so I don't think if I have another opportunity to go, I will be at another taping of the Tyra Show and listening to alot of the other audience members while riding in the freight elevator after taping.....neither will alot of other people!
P.S...wether you like Tyra or not , you have to give her props for stretching her Vicky Secrets modeling into other careers...of course this is helped by the blatant self promotion in every interview and talk show that she does
Tyra Banks Show airs at 5pm weekdays on My9
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