Lauren Conrad's Big Diaper!

on Monday, September 8, 2008

So our resident media tease......( Heidi and Spencer are the hardcore Media Whores) decided to come to the show in a white diaper!

This dress, though cute at the top, looked like a big, wrinkled diaper on film. That coupled with the "messy ponytail up sweep" hairdo that she looks like she rolled out of bed, put on some makeup and came to VMA's. You would think she had some time to pick out an outfit seeing as she and everyone else doesn't do anything on that show!
Didn't she get the hint when her crappy fashion line failed to makes sales ( its at kitson on a buy one get one free rack) I gues she figures the 1 class that she takes at FIDM( that's the only class we see her taking with Stephanie) is enough to classify her as a designer

And take one guess, whats wrong with this photo?

Two media seekers taking every advantage at a photo op together......Where is Courtney Semal, Tila?...cause I don't think Lauren is interested.
And I am not even going to get started with whats wrong with these two!

And Heidi has even got her sister in the mix....first they introduced her on the hills last night, and now she is at the careful Spencer, you make be on the road to being replace!

As far as the you even care about these two....Stephanie and won't be long before they are on the outs with Lauren as well....( it Lo has anything to say about it)