Tabatha Coffey, ( an Australian Native, not England) was the runner up on the first season of Bravo's hit television show Shear Genius. Known for being the tough talking, and very frank contestant on the hair styling competition, she now brings her aggression ( and obvious disgust) to struggling salons in the hopes of turning these money pits into cash cows.

This week she traveled to the Giovanni and Pileggi Salon in New Jersey ( which is another land in itself!) and met with one of the most ridiculous salon owners to ever own a business........
Martino Cartier

With his spiky highlighted tipped hair, thick gold chain and shirt unbuttoned to his navel, he styles hair, sexually harasses customers, kisses them on the lips and did we 300k in debt and wonders why? In addition, he spends enormous amounts on his ...or what he calls his lavish lifestyle........after a visit to his house, we would call it Tacky....but that would be offensive to the word. The gold plated railing, white furniture and marble, it can rival Trump's apartment for the most gaudy living space ever!

One of the best moments of the show was when Tabatha had a meeting with the stylist to tell them that there workplace was filthy, even showing the 2" thick hair encrusted brushed ( which they use on people...nasty) and the layer of dust and grime on the mirrors. One of the stylist took so much offense to be told to clean up that he and Tabatha had a smack down. Obviously he has never heard of the Board of Health!

In the end, they all got on track and the show remolded the salon( as they do with every show) and even the rude stylist apologized and got with the program. The real test will be if they go back in a year and the salon is still making money.
Either way, this Hairstyling Dominatrix is worth the hour long watch, if not for the makeover, at least for watching her demean the American business owners!
Tabitha's Salon Makeover airs Thursdays at 10pm on Bravo TV
Tabitha is unecessarily rude with the people on the show. There is a difference between being brutally honest and being verbally abusive. She does not need to be so obnoxious. that is not entertaining..its too bad because its an interesting show.
I love love love how blunt tabatha is. I know personally i need people to be more straight up sometimes. when it comes to a hairstylist career. anything that will make you better helps. unlike hairstylist hourly office jobs pay you for being there. hairstylist get paid for quality. I would take some tough love anytime.
not sure this is going to show as there are no recent contacts. i do like the show but tabitha insults the hairdressers for their talking in from of clients.....yet she does the same thing....very rude. the reason i am writing is i have seen her on several shows recently. in one she was a judge where she was critiquing celebrities. i laughed as she not only facially looks bad, including her hair) but not stylish or classy in any way. she always looks the same in her black and it is too funny for any one who has style to take her seriously. sorry but at least joan rivers looks good. maybe she could afford to hire someone and take her shopping. i would be happy to assist. sincerely,
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